Sunday 10 January 2016

8: Learning

Again, still on Php, MySQL and online database. 

Next, connecting the online database from Dreamweaver, but before that I need to connect to the server.. This is the part that I was stuck for quite a while as it keeps failing to connect.

Connection failed.
Connection failed again.
Connection failed.Again.

Well after many days of trying, and asking around, I finally get to connect successfully to the server. and I found a few problems I made that keeps failing the connection.
- server name is incorrect: It should be localhost instead of leo (another term I found in my website host Cpanel)
-username and password should be the username and password for the ftp, not the database.

Finally, it gets connected successfully. After many many many many many many times.

 Then, its time to connect to the database. I started by following the tutorial from the tutorial from Webassist and Bluehost. But it didn't go well. So, this ends in frustration and a severe headache.

Connecting to the MySQL database. Notice the selection on the bottom right.
Filling up the pop up window.
Failing to connect to the database.


Webassist (n.d.) Web development tutorial. Create a Php database connection. Available at: [Accessed: 1 January 2016]
  • This website gives a very clear explaination and step by step visuals to teach the users on connecting to MySQL database through Dreamweaver.
Bluehost (n.d.) Connecting to your MySQL database from Dreamweaver. Available at:[Accessed 1 January 2016]
  • From this site, I get to know what to write in the MySQL server field.

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