Sunday, 10 January 2016

2: Ideation.

Consultation with the lecturers was done during the start of week 2. The rough idea and execution was pitched and some uncertainty on the attainability of the idea was conveyed to me. During the consultation too, I got to know that the narrative doesn't necessarily have to be a story line. It could be something like : This is a tree of hope whereby users can make their wish.


Another form of narrative explained to me during the consultation.

At that point, I was not absolutely certain on the outcome myself too, thus I went back and did more research and figure out what the final artefact would be.

After some time, I decided to change my execution to a simpler one while remaining the theme (pet related). Inspired by the website- Species in pieces, I decided to use css clip path and css animation to execute the idea. As I have learn Css before and have a basic understanding of what it is and how it works thus the attainability can be assured. Css clip path can also make a 3D like visuals in which is why I wanted to use Web GL in the first place.

Species in pieces website

Low poly art style which is similar to 3D art style. 

High poly art style, similar to 3D art style.

As for the narrative, I have decided to make it into a platform whereby pet owners everywhere can share their story and also commemorate their best friends, instead of me just telling my pet story.


James, B. (n.d.) Species in Pieces homepage. Available at: . [Accessed: 9 November 2015]
  • Species in pieces website that inspired me to go into Css., (2015). low poly art. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 November 2015]
  • Low poly art style that can be a reference while executing the project., (2015). high poly art. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 November 2015]
  • High poly art style that can be a reference while executing the project. 

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