The star in the index took quite a lot of time as it is coded using css- clip path. to make calculating the points easier, a guide was made in illustrator. Although it does not get the point i want exactly, but it is close enough for me to adjust it to the point i want. Initially, I started out calculating the points by using pixels, however, i realised that it might not be a great idea, as i can make the process faster by using percentage.
After that, I worked on the php . I had a tough time figuring out the php codes as I did not really understand how it works and the structure of writing the codes. This is led me to spent quite a lot of time dealing with the php codes as It was case sensitive. The form below was created using php codes. I have searched for many ways to beautify the form as I have planned in the reference, however it was not working for my website.
As I tried to insert some information into the form to see if it was working, it gave me an error which I couldn't figure out. Though i searched and searched, I still couldnt solve the problem. However, When I get back the the main page to see if the information had been inserted into the online database successfully, It did.
As for the main page, there was a lot of problems for me because I had to code everything together. For an example : click the star and show data seems easy but it was hard because the star was made from css clip path and as it was pure css code, it was tough to make it a button and code it with php together also.
Another issue that i face with the main page is the overlapping of elements ( php data, background and images). As seen from the other page, the overlapping elements seems fine as I used z-index to adjust it. However, the z-index does not seem to be working for the main page, and i think that it might be because of the php data. As the php data might get more and more, it is hard to adjust the 'top' for it too as it requires a fixed number. (top is a css code that adjust the overlapping area for the elements). Initially the php information was planend to be shown one row, after the button was clicked, but in the end, i couldnt make the button work, so i improvised it to show the information all together in the main page.
I would say that I need to study and learn more about php as it is quite important for web designing. For now, I guess i would have to settle with this as time is running out.
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